My LO has always been a very good eater, but recently over the last week or so she has all of a sudden been struggling to drink her bottles and eat her meals. I first noticed a bit of a decrease in appetite around the same time we started giving her solids for breakfast – for context she is 9 months old and now eating 3 solid meals a day with 4 bottles mixed in. She has always been toward the hungrier side so she would usually eat 6 ounces when she woke up, 6.5 before her first nap, 7 before her 2nd nap and 8 before bed. However, over the last week we have been lucky if she has drank even half of her bottles. Has anyone else experienced this?
She has 1 tooth that just erupted a few days ago and she usually gets them in pairs, so I assume she has another one on the way but it seems like a larger decrease in appetite than she has had before when she is teething. And of course with this change you instantly just start to stress and worry about if they are getting enough nutrition and what the cause of the change is. Is it teething? Is she not feeling well? Possible ear infection? What if it’s a more serious unknown problem? The list of what if’s go on and on and on and it can be overwhelming and scary, especially when everyone just dismisses it as most likely teething.
Those with LOs around the same age, what is your feeding schedule like? Did you notice any sudden changes where they started drinking less milk as they eat more solids? I’m so curious and hoping someone has had similar experiences that they can share! Any tips and tricks would be so appreciated!