First Mother’s Day

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Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there! The first Mother’s Day was truly something special. I don’t think I ever could have truly understood until becoming a mom myself but wow is it a lot of work, always. Even when you aren’t doing the physical work, the mental load never ends… in fact it only grows bigger and bigger. So to have a day where everyone recognizes this felt so nice.

More than that, being able to celebrate Mother’s Day this year means that my dream of becoming a mom finally came true which is pretty surreal. All moms deserve a whole lot of praise and love on Mother’s Day but I am also thinking of those who are longing to be a mom or those who have lost a pregnancy or child. Once we become a mom that never goes away despite the circumstances.

I just celebrated my first Mother’s Day yesterday and all of my loved ones made it so special. I got to spend the entire day relaxing and being around family. Since I wanted a break from being a mom but also wanted to be around my baby on Mother’s Day – what’s that all about? I feel like that is motherhood in a nutshell, constantly wanting a break and to get some alone time but also always wanting to be with our babies!

I’m so curious to hear about all the amazing ways you mamas out there are celebrated. I hope you were spoiled and are recognized on Mother’s Day but also every day!! How did you celebrate your Mother’s Day? Do you have any fun traditions that you do with your family every year or even by yourself?

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