Well hi!

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Welcome to Mama Megz, let’s be friends!

Where to even begin… Well I guess the beginning is always a good place to start, on the best day of my life. My name is Megan and I gave birth to my first daughter in September of 2023 and oh boy has life changed since then. To say it was flipped upside down would be an understatement. What I wasn’t expecting when I became a mom was having to totally rediscover who I am as a person. It’s like who I was before I had her completely vanished and all I am now is a mom. Don’t get me wrong, this is the most fulfilling role in the world to me but it has quickly become my entire personality. Every day, you wake up and everything you used to prioritize just gets put on the back burner while you tend to this amazing little one who needs you. By the time you get around to those things you want to do there often isn’t any time or energy to put towards them at the end of the day. And if you are anything like me, it becomes the classic “oh I’ll do it tomorrow” day after day.

I’ve looked for some mom groups in my area but have had very little success finding any. Being on maternity leave can be extremely lonely even though I am literally never alone. I’m always with my daughter and we have been lucky to have a lot of support from family and friends but still somehow it is a lonely journey. While I’ve found some comfort in following other moms on Tik Tok who I can relate to, I myself am not a taking videos type of girl. I would much rather write out what I am going through, almost as my therapy (sorry). Maybe some day that will change but for now I’m hoping there are some other moms like this as well.

My goal with starting this is that we can all join together in the good, the bad and the just outright comical moments of motherhood and share them together. I want to share my story but I also want to learn about all of yours and let’s face it, moms just need more. More support, more community, more encouragement, more empowerment and more time for us. After all this is the longest but fastest time of our lives, or as Taylor Swift would say, “we’re happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time.” I think that pretty much sums it up.

I think I will leave it there for now and maybe pick back up diving into the story of my high-risk pregnancy and what that journey was like.

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