Is Anyone Actually Sleeping?

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Let me start by saying we are incredibly lucky, as our little one is actually a pretty great sleeper… but that doesn’t make the 5:00am wakeup calls any easier! Sometimes I wonder how I survived the newborn stage when I was getting up multiple times a night, when now if I have to wake up just once or am just up early for the day I feel like I am hanging on by a thread.

I also wasn’t expecting how light of a sleeper I have become since becoming a mom. Like anything and everything will wake me up, even if my daughter just lets out a sigh or a slight noise I am jolted awake. The other night a dog I swear like 2 streets over started barking at 4:00am and I was wide awake from that. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever get a true, uninterrupted deep sleep again…

Those mamas out there who are still getting up throughout the night multiple times, you guys are rockstars because I don’t know how you function throughout the day. How are your little ones sleeping? Do you guys do anything special to make baby sleep through the night or sleep in a little longer than when the sun comes up? Let me know in the comments!

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